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Malaysian Society of Intensive Care
Membership Section
Click Here To Apply for Membership
Existing Member:
New Member:
If you are logging in for the first time, you will need
to obtain your log-in details from us.
Click here.
(You can also use this section to obtain your login, in the case where you are having difficulties recovering your login/password)
Usage Information
If you are applying for membership, just click on the above link to launch the online membership application. At the end of
the application process, you can pay for your membership fee directly, online. However, your membership application will still require
the approval of our membership vetting committee. You will be informed via your registered email when your membership status is confirmed.
Registered members can log in to the member account page using the second link above. Logging in will allow you to pay for your membership fee
online, if you have not already paid, or if you need to pay for the annual renewal fee. You can also update your contact details after you log in so
that the society will always have your updated contact information.